Saturday, May 23, 2015

Modern Dating


Dating Does Not Mean Hanging Out!

            Something that I have heard a ton lately in conference has been about the difference between dating and hanging out.  I have always distinguished this in my mind but I am not always the most up to date person either.  Nowadays people get together and hang out.  They just hang out, which could mean anything.  But a date is when a person asks another person out and then they go do this.  It is a formal thing.  Honestly as I have been looking at things to write this post I have really thought about how this applies to singles but it really applies to married people as well.  My wife always says that I never plan dates anymore.  In my mind we go on a date every week but it’s usually going out to dinner and getting a movie or going and seeing a movie.  I think what she really means is that she wants me to take her on a date.  Just going to dinner and watching a movie sounds an awful lot like hanging out.  I mean before I was married I had a few friends that were girls and when we hung out we would go get food or watch a movie or both.  So you have to ask the other person…It’s a formal thing.  If you don’t make it formal then you have no way of knowing if it’s a date or hanging out.  I think people have gotten lazy and/or scared and so they try to make due with just kind of making their way in.  You have to make it formal that is what makes it a date.  If you still don’t understand take a look at some of these videos of apostles and their wives talking about how they met and how they dated! 

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