Saturday, July 12, 2014

Lesson 11

Choice 2: 2 Peter 2. Teaching
1.    Read 2 Peter 2:1–19. Record the characteristics of false teachers described by Peter. Explain in writing how your list helps you recognize false teachers today.
·         Shall bring in damnable heresies,
·         Denying the Lord the brought them, bringing upon them swift destruction
·         Many shall follow their pernicious ways
·         Ways of truth shall be spoken evil of
·         Through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you
·         Walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness
·         Despise government
·         They are Presumptuous
·         Selfwilled
·         Are not afraid to speak evil of dignities
·         Natural brute beasts
·         Speak evil of things they don’t understand
·         Speak vanity
·         Allure through the lusts of the flash
·         Promise liberty but are servants of corruption

2.    Read 2 Peter 2:20–22; Doctrine and Covenants 82:3, 7. In your own words, write a few sentences describing the dangers of returning to the “pollutions of the world.”

·         There are many dangers of returning to the “pollutions of the world.”  But I think knowing something to be dangerous or true and then having the light of the gospel and returning to it is a betrayal.  That is why your sins return to you according to D&C 82:7.  It is not the unpardonable sin (in most cases) because we don’t have a sure knowledge of God but it is the next closest thing.  That being said while it is very bad to return to sin we can still come back.  He will let us come back to him.  We have to go through the repentance process but we can come back.  It is just a matter of if you are willing.  I have heard the biggest damage done by people speaking of the Church is people who used to be members.  So when you have the knowledge and fall it is that much bigger a fall than for someone else.  

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