Friday, June 12, 2015

Gender Roles and Equality

There is so much going on in the world about gender equality.  But I honestly am so confused as to why.  I'm sure some of you out there are immediately going to say it's because I'm white, strongly religious, and a man.  And yes maybe there is some truth to that.  But when I am talking about gender equality I feel like I am talking about two different things. Men and Women are equal.  

"ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose."

-Family Proclamation to the World

This is such a vital statement that I don't think the world really understands.  When I first came to BYU Idaho I would have just read this and said ok all men and women are created equal.  But there is so much more to it than that.  We aren't really created equal.....but we are of equal worth in the sight of God.  Men and women while equal in worth have different responsibilities and roles.  You see this very clearly in nature.  
Males and Females have vastly different roles in a lion pride.  Females raise children, hunt, and in general do most of the work.  The males on the other hand seem lazy and grumpy.  They will often push and attack the females who have just made a kill.  They get to eat first even though they didn't do any of the work!  They lay around all the time and in general don't do a whole lot......But then other males come around.  These new males will kill the cubs and try to take over the pride.  The male lion protects the pride from these new males.  The males are much bigger than the females so the females can't protect themselves and the cubs.  This is just one example but literally almost everywhere you see examples in nature of how the male and female of a species has different roles in life.  So why is it different for humans.  Both are necessary for the species survival.  A pride of lions would not succeed without the male.  Even though both the male and female are equal in worth, they each have different responsibilities.  

I know there are situations where a man or a woman will have to take on the roles of the other.  In a perfect world this would only be temporary but with the pressures and demands of life it is often permanent.  So I am not talking about special situations in which it is impossible for one to only take on their own gender roles. This is a really silly example because I know there are a lot more situations out there that are more serious and have a bigger effect but right now my wife is having to work to support us while I am in school.  As the man it is my job to be the provider.  I have been taught this my whole life and now that I am not doing it, makes me feel like I am not a good husband.  I can hear so many people already rolling their heads saying well just get over it or your wife is just as capable as you to make money.  You are absolutely right on the second part.  She is just as capable if not more so than me to bring in money.  But it is my responsibility to do it.  In a way I am making sure I can provide in the future so that is what I have had to tell myself.  But it isn't just as easy as flipping a switch to get over it.  I really love this quote from Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

"The Lord did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world.  Every instrument is precious and adds to the complex beauty of the symphony.  All of Heavenly Father's children are different in some degree, yet each has its own beautiful sound that adds depth and richness to the whole."
I know that gender roles are vital to human life.  We cannot get rid of them.  I urge all those who read this to really evaluate the difference the world sees on gender roles and how the Lord sees gender roles.  Equal in worth and value but different responsibilities.

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