Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lesson 9

Choice Three: Hebrews 13. Works of Righteousness

Paul concluded his epistle to the Hebrews with some brief teachings and statements of counsel. Read Hebrews 13 and find statements about the following questions:
• How should we treat strangers and those “in bonds”?
            According to Paul we should treat strangers as we would treat angels.  The scripture says that “some have entertained angels unawares.”  I think this is really true.  Angels can be people here on earth.  I certainly think it is possible that an Angel from heaven could come down to us and show himself or herself to us…..I think that it is much more likely that someone here on earth could be classified as an angel.  You never know who you are dealing with but we should treat everyone with as much respect and dignity we can muster.  As for those in bonds Paul says that we should remember them.  Keep them in our prayers.  Bonds doesn’t mean just people who are in prison but I could see it also applying to people who are confused or are in tough situations.  Keep them in our prayers and we should do whatever we can to help them. 

• How is marriage looked upon?

            Verse 4 states that “Marriage is honourable in all.”  Marriage is so important to our human race.  I don’t think we understand how important especially in our society today.  The family is the fundamental unit of the human race.  Well the binding power of the family is the marriage relationship.  We are literally sealed on earth and in heaven.  There is so much in our society today that is attacking the family, especially marriage.  Satan knows if he can stop this bond then the family will eventually fall. 

• What warnings are given about covetousness?
            This one really applies to me.  Paul says to not covet and “be content with such things as ye have said.”  This is something really hard.  I always want the next bigger and better thing.  Anyone who knows my wife can tell you that… but I think this is a product of our society also.  If you go on to read further it says “for he hath said, I will never leave thee , nor forsake thee.”  Heavenly Father will provide for us as we do as much as we can to provide for ourselves.  He will make up the rest if we are living faithfully. 

• What is “the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever”?

            Jesus Christ and also I would say God. 

• How are we sanctified?

            By following his gospel.  He has already “sanctified” us by his sacrifice and suffering.  We must submit to his will.

• How do we respond to those who rule over us?

            We are told to obey them and submit ourselves to them.  Although if they rule over us unrighteously I think we should still try to do something about that.

• Who did Paul ask the people to pray for?

            He asked them to “Pray for us”  I am guessing that means him and the other Apostles.  I think in this day we can pray for our Prophet and leaders.  They really do need our support and we can support them daily by praying for them.  

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