Saturday, July 5, 2014

Lesson 10

1.    Read James 1 and respond in writing to the following items:

o       What words or phrases encourage you to look for direction from God?
·               Ask in faith, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations, the trying of your faith worketh patience.
o       How did James further define the phrase to “ask in faith”?
·               Asking in faith is humbling ourselves to be able to ask God for help and for wisdom.  Sure anyone can fold their arms and ask…but if they don’t have any faith then they not get anything.  They won’t see anything happen.  But if we humble ourselves and ask God knowing he will respond then the Spirit will be able to speak to us. 
o       How do Matthew 6:24 and 1 Kings 18:21 add to your understanding of James 1:8?
·               Make a decision.  There is no grey….not really.  The grey comes from us trying to justify things.  There is Gods way or Satans way.  There is light or dark, right and wrong.  Choose one.  You look like a fool trying to sit on the fence.  I sit on the fence a ton… so I look like a fool a ton too, my wife would probably agree with that.  But really I do.  I’m not sure sometimes the best course of action and when the moment comes I sometimes don’t realize it. 
o       From James 1:13–15, 19–27, make an outline of how we can better live the gospel of Jesus Christ.
·               Sin
o   Lust leads to temptation, then when we act on the lust and temptation sin comes.  Sin does not come from God
·               Be quick to listen
·               Be slow to wrath and speech
·               Be doers of the word and not just hearers
·               Bridle your pasions
·               Visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction and keep unspotted from the world. 
o       Give a few modern examples of how you have recently seen individuals exemplify James 1:22.
·               My wife is constantly doing things because of the gospel.  She is such a strength to me in so many ways.  She gets up every morning and says her prayers…something that I almost every day forget to do.  Not only does she do it but she helps me remember too.  Also she constantly strives to make herself better.  I usually just say oh things are fine right now but

2.    Read the institute student manual commentary for James 1:5–6, “If Any of You Lack Wisdom” (p. 409). Make a list of reasons why Elder Bruce R. McConkie (1915–1985) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said these verses have “had a greater impact ... upon mankind than any other” scripture.
“… this single verse of scripture has had a greater impact and a more far reaching effect upon mankind than any other single sentence ever recorded by any prophet in any age. It might well be said that the crowning act of the ministry of James was not his martyrdom for the testimony of Jesus, but his recitation, as guided by the Holy Ghost, of these simple words which led to the opening of the heavens in modern times.

“And it might well be added that every investigator of revealed truth stands, at some time in the course of his search, in the place where Joseph Smith stood. He must turn to the Almighty and gain wisdom from God by revelation if he is to gain a place on that strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life.” (McConkie, DNTC, 3:246–47.)

Rather than make a list I just decided to use the entire quote.  Wow this is a really powerful statement.  But it really is true.  Anyone searching for their faith only need to follow this teaching to find it.  It may not be just that easy but it certainly can be.  

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